Monday, August 30, 2021

Upcoming reminders for this week

Here are some reminders for the upcoming week:

- Students should be practicing daily. All big instruments should have gone home this weekend. Any student who leaves an instrument at school or forgets to bring their materials back to school will have a deduction in their weekly participation grade.

- 7th and 8th grade students should be practicing their scales/warmups and the concert music that has been handed out to them.

- 6th grade students should be practicing #1-10 in their band book.

- Please return forms/packets if you have not done so already.

- Morning practice has started! Students can come to the band room in the mornings to practice Monday-Friday before the bell rings. This is a great opportunity for our band students to get help on their instrument.

- Here is the link to the 8th grade band book: ( Put in Foundations for Superior Performance then your child's instrument in the search engine)

- 6th, 7th and 8th grade band books can be purchased for $12 at school. Please have your child talk to Mr. Gibson if you would like to purchase your band book this way vs. online.

- Select 7th grade students will be fitted for school instruments next week. More information will be provided to the students on Monday.

- 6th grade percussion round one has been complete and students were notified of their status this week. The second round begins on Monday. We are hoping to finalize the 6th grade percussion section by the first full week of September. Thank you for your patience with this tedious process.