Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Class 8-18-21

We did a lot better yesterday! We only had 6 students leave their instrument.  We need to have all students take home their instrument every day.  

Big instruments can stay in the band room and take home over the weekends.

School owned instruments have been handed out yesterday.   Students with school owned instruments will be allowed to take the instrument home after the form is signed and returned.  

All 6th grade percussion students have started round two assessments. We are hoping they should be complete early next week.  Parents once your child has been confirmed as a percussion student you will receive an email from me on how to purchase their instrument.

All students will continue to go over classroom rules and expectations. 

All forms will need to be signed and returned in the envelope provided by Friday August 20th. 

Music will be handed out this week to 7th and 8th grade students. 

Musical worksheets will be handed out to students this week.  These sheets should stay in their band folder. We will be going over them throughout the month. 

If you have any questions please email Mr. Gibson