Monday, August 23, 2021

Class 8-23-21

Students Awesome job this week! Students have been demonstrating the exceptions of our band program at a high level. Keep up the great work! If you have any questions or concerns please email me at

Here are some reminders for parents and students:

- Please turn in all signed forms.

- Students should be practicing daily. The happiest band students are the ones who are practicing their craft.

- Big instruments (Tuba/Baritone/Bass Clarinet/Bari Sax/Tenor Sax) can leave their instruments in the band room during the week and take instruments home over the weekend.

- School owned instrument forms will need to be completed and turned in before a student can take the school instrument home. (Separate form from the packet. Select students only.)

- We will begin morning practice for big instrument students / All students starting next Thursday. Students will be provided information in class on how morning practice will work.

-Students should be keeping up with their equipment. No instruments should be left at school without directors approval.

- 6th and 7th grade students will need to have the essential elements band book 1

-8th grade students will need to have their 8th grade book Foundations for Superior Performance by the end of September.

- If a student needs a band book they can buy one through the school for $12.

- 7th and 8th grade students should be practicing their concert Bb and Concert F scales

- 7th grade students will get to see the instruments they can switch too this week. If you are interested in switching your instrument sign up on the interest form in the band room.

- All woodwind students will need to be playing on a good reed. Information about reeds will be handed out within the upcoming weeks.

- 7th and 8th grade students will be receiving their concert music starting next week.

-6th grade percussion parents will be contacted early next week to get their child's equipment. If not selected for percussion you will be notified early next week and your child's second choice will be honored.