Thursday, March 19, 2020

Smart Music Platform /Information 3-19-20

Students will be able to use smart music to continue with their music education.  Please be patient with setting up accounts.  This is a free service that will be provided for students that are out of school due to the current situation.

I will be posting how to join this service throughout the day.

Also, starting next week we are going to pilot having virtual classes.  I will be giving out instructions about this over the weekend.  Basically we will meet in a virtual classroom and I will provide 1 on1 instruction for your instrument.  A lot of patience will be required as we get this started.

Please continue to practice for 30 min. a day and send a recording via email to If you are having difficulty sending a video please send in a practice log daily.

It is imperative that everyone is still working on their musical skills everyday.  If you have any questions email would be the best way to get ahold of me.

Happy practicing!

- Mr. Gibson