Monday, December 16, 2019

Winter Concert Tonight at 6:30pm

Date: Monday December 16th, 2019
Time of Departure: 4:30pm
Call Time for ALL STUDENTS: 5:00pm
Concert Starts: 6:30pm
Destination: Clover School District Auditorium

Please complete the form below for your child to ride the bus to the Clover School District Auditorium on Monday December 16th. Students will be provided a snack, pizza and water at CMS before loading the busses to the auditorium. 

All students not riding the bus will need to report to the auditorium by 5:00pm in concert black attire.

Please indicate on this form if your child will be riding the bus or will be dropped off at the auditorium. All Students will be receiving a grade for this performance.  It will be required that they stay the entire concert to receive credit. The concert should last approximately one hour. If you have any questions please email Mr. Gibson.