Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Possible Atlanta Trip for 7th and 8th grade

Currently we have 41 students interested in going on this optional trip. There has been over 75 students between the 7th and 8th grade that has expressed interest in going to Atlanta.

Please fill out the survey to help me determine if we will have enough interest to have a band perform on this trip. The survey does not serve a commitment on going. Your first payment due on November 26th will serve as your commitment on going on this trip. ($150) If we do not have enough students to have a band you will receive your deposit back.

The total cost is $350 this price is based on a total of 100 people going.  Price includes 2 charter buses, hotel, Coca Cola museum, Georgia Aquarium, Six Flags, Southern Starr Music Festival registration, all taxes and gratuities.  (Tour company is working out details for possible dinner at the varsity and a possible meal voucher at six flags) More information will be provided once final numbers are provided to the tour company.

If you have any questions email Mr. Gibson at nicholas.gibson@clover.k12.sc.us

Atlanta Spring Trip Survey