Monday, April 8, 2019

Solo and Ensemble Letter


This year Clover Middle School will be sending over 100 students to the South Carolina Solo and Ensemble Festival.  The festival will be held at Sullivan Middle School in Rock Hill SC.  The chairman of the event had to split our students over two days as it wasn’t possible to host all of Clover Middle Schools 100 band students on one day. Our band students will be performing on April 26thOR April 27th.  All of the students dates and times have been posted on the band website. Students who do not go will receive a 0% for a major test grade. Also, students who do not attended will be responsible for paying the $10 registration fee back to CMS. If your child’s name is not on the list they will not be performing and should not attend the event. 

We will take a bus to Sullivan Middle School on both days. If you would like to take your child to the event you can but please indicate this on the form so Mr. Gibson can plan accordingly.Students who ride separately will need to find Mr. Gibson at their audition room to receive the CD player for their accompaniment and original copies of their music before entering the audition room. 

If your child is riding the bus to the event they will need money for lunch. Students will have a choice of Chick-Fil- A, Wendy’s, or Bojangles. 

Students will be receiving an assessment ticket.  They are to present the assessment ticket and a copy of the solo in the book to the judge upon entering their audition room. Students will need to have their assigned CD player from Mr. Gibson before entering their audition room.  Students will turn to the appropriate accompaniment track and play their solo for the judge.  Once everyone has completed their audition we will head back to Clover Middle School for students to be picked up. 

Parents can come to the event but are not allowed to be in the room when students are performing for the judge. 

Please go to the band website and find your child’s audition date and time. Dates and times cannot be changed. If you have any questions or concerns please email Mr. Gibson.

Nicholas Gibson 
Director of Bands
Clover Middle School
803-619-9834(band cell)