Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Clover Middle School Bands

Mr. Nicholas Gibson, Director of Bands,

Ms. Shelly Strauss, Asst. Director of Bands

Mr. Ryan Hall, Director of Percussion Studies

October 22, 2018

Hello Band Family! We are sending this letter to inform you about the opportunity for our middle school students to participate in the York County Honor Band, the South Carolina Region Six Honor band, and South Carolina All State Band.

What is Honor Band?

In an honor band students audition, rehearse, and perform advanced music literature in a clinic setting with other superior musicians of the same age. After an audition, selected students participate in rehearsal with a guest conductor/clinician with a culminating performance for family and friends. The honor band experience is usually over a two day period.

Why Honor Band?

The honor band audition process is essential in the development of a young musician. Each element of the audition is an assessment of what the child should know and be able to perform at this stage of their musical development. Even if a student does not make the honor band, the process alone will provide tremendous confidence and musical growth.

If students do make the honor band, they will represent our school in the county and region. They will have a quality musical experience while learning from a clinician, other outstanding students, and performing advanced literature. It will be an awesome time for everyone!

How do we prepare?

In band class, students have already been given the tools needed to be successful. We have been working on scales, rhythm, terms, and sight-reading skills. But, students must take those tools and work hard individually as well. By making the commitment to audition, students are also committing to the practice it takes to prepare for the audition.

Please keep in mind that the process of learning major scales, chromatic scale, etudes and sight-reading is a part of our curriculum and culminates in the honor band auditions. Participation in this process will increase confidence and musicianship like no other experience can.

Is there a cost?

Yes. The student cost for the York County Honor Band audition will be $6.00 and the SC Region Band Audition will be $12.00. These fees are set by the honor band administrators and will be used to pay for facilities, judges, and clinicians. Clover Middle School is covering the cost for each student who auditions. Please make sure you honor your commitment to the audition.
Students who participate in the honor band clinics will be asked to purchase lunch on the honor band clinic days.

Audition Incentives

Along with the benefits of becoming a better musician, we are offering more incentives.

1. Students who honor their commitment to audition will receive two test grades of 100 percent each.

2. Students who make the band will be excused from a day of school for the honor band clinic.

3. Students who make the band will be added to Clover Middle School Band “Wall Of Fame.”

Transportation to auditions

York County Honor Band Auditions are Tuesday December 4th at Fort Mill Middle School. Students can choose to either ride the bus provided or a parent can take them to the audition. All students will need to be picked up from Fort Mill Middle School because the bus will only drop us off, not bring us home.

South Carolina Band Directors Association Region Band Auditions are on Saturday January 12that Woodruff High School. All band directors are required to judge at the region band auditions. Failure to judge will eliminate their own students from the audition process. All Clover School District band directors will be working at Woodruff HS beginning at 7:15 AM on January 12th.

A parent will need to drive their children or carpool with other families to Woodruff HS. Students should arrive one hour before their given audition time to warm up properly and find the correct audition room. After the audition, students may leave. The total time at the audition site will be approximately one hour. Results of the auditions and all state call back auditions will not be announced until Monday January 14th.

Transportation to the Clinics

Transportation to the clinics will be determined once we know how many students make the bands.

When are the auditions and clinics?

December 4, 2018- York County Honor Band auditions at Fort Mill MS

January 12, 2019 – Region band auditions at Woodruff HS

January 26, 2019– All state auditions for students with a call back at Lexington HS

January 29-30, 2019- York County Honor Band Clinic at Northwestern HS

February 22-23, 2019 - Region band clinic at Converse College

March 15-17, 2019 - All state band clinic at Furman University

Additional Information

Each student will have a specific audition time. We will not know the times until the honor band administrator releases them. Students will play 7 Major scales memorized, the chromatic scale, a prepared piece, and sight-reading. The chromatic scale, prepared piece, and sight-reading are “blind” auditions meaning the judges cannot see the student while they play.

We will know the results after the York County audition by Thursday December 6th, but region band auditions are not as quick. After the January 12thregion band auditions, top students will receive a “call back” to audition for all-state band. All state call back auditions are on January 26th at Lexington HS. After the all-state band is determined, we will receive a finalized list of the junior region six region bands.

Listen to your solo online!

Please remember…

Whether or not your child makes one of these bands, they will improve tremendously by going through this process. We recommend that all students be actively involved in auditions. If you have any questions about auditions please contact us.

Dates to remember

November 9, 2018- Commitment form due

December 4, 2018- York County Honor Band auditions at Fort Mill Middle School

January 12, 2019 – Region band auditions at Woodruff High School

January 26, 2019– All state auditions for students with a call back at Lexington HS

January 29-30, 2019- York County Honor Band Clinic at Northwestern HS

February 22-23, 2019 - Region band clinic at Converse College

March 15-17, 2019 - All state band clinic at Furman University
What do I do now?

Please return the following form to Mr. Gibson as soon as possible.

Student First Name________________ Student Last Name ____________________

Honor Band



I have read the information about honor band auditions. I understand this is a commitmentand I will support my child in completing that commitment by encouraging practice and attending the audition.

Student Signature_______________________________________________


Signature ______________________________________________

Date ________