Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Updated 8th Grade Honor Band Information

I am extremely proud of our band students. Lots of opportunities are coming up with our 8th grade honor band students. Our 8th grade honor band performances are upon us. Please remember to keep the following dates open.  
  • No rehearsal on February 28th
  • March 6th Mandatory Rehearsal After School with Guest Clinician Lisa Ratchford
  • March 10th Mandatory Performance at the Clover School District Auditorium Times TBA
  • March 13th Mandatory Rehearsal After School with Guest Clinician Keith James
  • March 24th Mandatory Performance at Liberty High School 1pm.  (Itinerary below)
  • All students playing sports have spoken to Mr. Gibson to work out their conflicts.  If you have any individual concerns please email Mr. Gibson.
  • All students will be performing in concert black attire for their performances
  • Concert festival Itinerary is below:
Itinerary for March 24th
Students should report to school in concert black. (Bring a bag lunch to eat on the bus.)
8:00am-9:30am Rehearse in the Band room
9:30am depart for Liberty High School
11:30am arrive at Liberty High School
11:30am-12:30pm watch bands/use restrooms
12:30pm - 1:00pm warm up
1:00pm perform
1:30pm leave for lunch (Bring money for fast food)
2:00pm-2:45pm Lunch
3pm depart for CMS
4:30pm-5:00pm ARRIVE BACK AT CMS

The pre-festival concert is a free concert at the Clover School District Auditorium featuring all of the bands in the district participating. Times will be announced a week before the concert. All are welcomed to attend this free concert.  It will be expected for our CMS students to stay through all middle school band performances. After the middle school bands perform they are free to go or they can stay to watch the high school bands perform.  Again, students will need to stay through the entire middle school portion of the program.

Our festival performance at Liberty High School is also a free concert.  All are welcomed to attend as our students represent our school district at the state music festival.

I am extremely proud of our band students progress.  Please make sure your child is taking their instrument home daily and practicing their music. Thank you all for your support.  Please email or call with any questions.  Have a great day!