Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Jazz Band Rehearsal


Starting Friday Jazz Band rehearsals will be extended to 5:30pm.  We will have to extend rehearsals on Monday and Friday form 3:45pm-5:30pm in preparation for our state festival performance.

We will also have to add an additional rehearsal day in the mornings starting next Wednesday. It will be from 7:20am - 8:10am.  This time will be used to work individual parts in sectionals. We will start next Wednesday.  If your child takes the bus they can join us when they arrive at school.

The SC Jazz festival is held at Newberry College.  I have requested that our day to perform is Friday February 28th. If I do not get our requested day they will have us perform on Saturday February 29th.  Please keep these dates available.  The site hosts does a very good job of honoring the directors request but asks all directors to be flexible.  I will not have our performance time until the beginning of February. Once the times have been finalized I will notify parents and hand out an itinerary. We will be taking a bus to the event.

Students will have to ride the bus to the event.  This is a free concert to the public.  Parents are encouraged to come and cheer on the CMS jazz band.

Our rehearsal schedule for this event is as followed:

Monday and Friday Rehearsals
January 17th
January 24th
January 27th
January 31st
February 3rd
February 7th
February 10th
February 24th

Wednesday morning Rehearsals
January 22nd
February 5th
February 12th
February 19th
February 26th

Special Thursday Rehearsal After School 3:45pm-5:30pm (Last rehearsal before our performance)

Please make sure your child is in attendance for rehearsals. This is the only way to ensure the group will be successful at the event. Also, please know if your child does not know their part they will be asked not to play or not go to this event if they are not prepared. Please let me know if you have any questions.

-Mr. Gibson