Sunday, January 6, 2019

Region Band Auditions are 1-12-18 at Woodruff High School. Students must provide their own ride to the auditions. If there is a problem with finding transportation please email Mr. GIbson.

Dear Parent or Guardian,
Your child has been selected to audition for region band. Region band is when the best student players from around the area come together to audition for a spot in the region 6 band.  Your child has worked very hard the past couple of months preparing for this audition. If they make the region band they will be performing at Converse College on February 22ndand 23rd.  I will notify all students of their results within a week of their audition.  
 Please arrive at Woodruff High School in Woodruff SC an hour before your audition on Saturday January 12th2019. 
Some additional information:
  • All students will need to have a paper hard copy of the audition solo. Students may not read the solos off of electronic devices in the audition room.  Photocopies of solos will not be provided at the audition site – students need to be prepared and bring their own copy.
  • All students should arrive at Woodruff High School one hour before scheduled audition time.
  • Upon arrival at Woodruff High School, follow signs to locate warm-up room and audition room(s).
  • No one will be allowed to play their instruments except during the audition and in the warm-up room.
  • When ready to audition, all students will need to check in with their audition room page ten minutes prior to their audition time. Ask your room page if your audition is completed in one or two rooms. Once inside the audition room, students will sign in on a signature list outside their audition room.
  • Students must have their audition ticket with them to audition. 
  • Parents are to stay in the warm up area and wait for your child to complete the audition.  
  • Do not call or contact Woodruff High School with questions or requests for travel directions. Travel directions are available on the next page. If you have any questions concerning auditions, ask Mr. Gibson.
Please notify Mr. Gibson if transportation will be an issue. It is expected that students are to be taken by a parent or guardian to the event. No buses will be provided to the audition site.  
After your child has completed the audition you may take them home.
This is a great opportunity for your child to learn and grow as a young musician.   If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call or email. 

Nicholas Gibson 
 Director of Bands 
 Clover Middle School 
 803-810-8349 (band office) 
 803-619-9834 (band cell)