Sunday, February 27, 2022

March 23rd Festival Update 8th grade

Concert Festival at Southwood Academy of the Arts 

 Anderson SC



MARCH 23rd



7:30 – Students report to the band room in concert black attire

7:30-8:45- Rehearse in the band room before loading the buses

8:45-9:00 – bathroom/breakfast

9:00- load busses (Make sure we have all our equipment)

11:30- Arrive at Southwood Academy of the Arts Anderson SC

11:30-12:00 – Watch bands/restroom break

12:00 – 12:15 – Students will go back to the bus to get instruments put together

12:15 – Wait quietly in hall way before warm up time

12:30 – 1:00 Warm up (No parents may enter the warm up room)

1:00 - Performance in Auditorium (Parents may watch in the auditorium)

1:15 - Sight-reading (No parents may enter the sight-reading room)

1:30- back to the bus to put away equipment

1:45 back in the auditorium to wait on results

2:00 leave Southwood Academy of the Arts and depart for Lunch

2:30-3:30 Students will stop to get fast food for lunch somewhere off of I 85(Students will need money for Lunch)

3:30 depart back to CMS

5:00 estimated return time to CMS


All students will need to wear their concert black to the event.  We will be rehearsing before we depart on March 23rd. Students can bring their own breakfast or lunch if they would like. 


CMS performance starts at 1pm in the Southwood Academy of the Arts Auditorium.  This is a free concert for the public.  No parents will be allowed in the sight-reading room. After CMS is done we will wait for the results and then depart for Lunch. If you would like to take your child after the performance please fill out a form with Mr. Gibson before leaving Southwood Academy of the Arts.  Students will stop for lunch off of I 85 for lunch.  Please make sure your child has money for lunch. If you have any questions please email Mr. Gibson.



Jazz Band update

Jazz Band update:
Rehearsal Monday 3:15-4:30pm
Rehearsal Wednesday 7:30am-8:00am
Rehearsal Friday 3:15pm-5:00pm
* Jazz State Festival at Newberry College Itinerary attached

Jazz CPA Itinerary 

March 5th 2022




9am-12pm – Jazz students will rehearse

12:00pm-12:30pm – Lunch (Pizza Man)

12:30pm – 12:45pm – Load bus/get ALL equipment

1:00pm – Depart from Clover Middle

2:30pm – Arrive at Newberry College

2:30pm-3:00pm -Place jazz equipment in holding area

3:30pm- 3:55pm – Warm up ( No Parents are allowed in the warm up area)

4:00pm Jazz Performance in the Chapel at Newberry College ( Free Concert for All)

4:30pm Place all equipment on bus/truck/wait for results on the bus

4:45pm Depart for Dinner

5:15pm(ETA) – Dinner at a fast food restaurant.  

6:30pm (ETA) – Arrive at Clover Middle School for pick up


-Please plan on attending the concert if you would like.  The concert is held in the Chapel at Newberry College. 


-Students will be fed lunch before we depart.  (Pizza man, chips and a bottle of water.)


- Students will eat dinner on the way back home. 


- If you want to take your child after the performance I will have a sign out form for you to complete before taking your child home. 


-Please pick up your child at Clover Middle School if they are taking the bus back. 


-       Please email or call with any questions.


Carowinds Payment is due Tuesday March 1st

8th grade band reminders

8th grade band info:
March 3rd mandatory rehearsal 3:15-5:30pm
March 8th HS band meeting at CHS cafeteria 6pm
March 10th mandatory performance at CSDA 6pm
March 18th mandatory rehearsal 3:15-5:30pm
March 23rd concert festival at Southwood Academy of the Arts in Anderson SC

Please check band app for updated information

Click on the link to go to the band app for more band information:

Friday, February 11, 2022

Jazz Band Info

Jazz Band Info will be posted on Monday morning with reminders about our state festival on March 5th at Newberry College and information about having a possible rehearsal on the 21st. More info to come.

- Rehearsal Monday 3:15-4:30
-Wednesday Morning Performance at the Eagle Head at 7:30am

8th grade update

8th Grade Band Update:

- Mandatory Rehearsal After School Thursday 2-17-22 from 3:15pm-5:30pm with our guest clinician
- Mandatory Rehearsal After School on March 3rd from 3:15pm-5:30pm
-Mandatory Rehearsal After School on March 18th from 3:15pm-5:30pm
- March 10th pre-festival concert at the CSDA (Mandatory)
- March 23rd Concert Festival in Anderson SC

WATCH for more details:

Region Band Update

- MEET AT HS BAND ROOM at 7am both days


Solo and Ensemble Update ( APRIL 22nd 2022)

Solo and Ensemble Update 2-11-22

Solo and ensemble will be April 22nd 2022 at Sullivan Middle School in Rock Hill SC.  

-6th grade students are signed up.

-7th and 8th grade students will have until Monday to decide if they would like to attend.

- All registrations will be paid for the students


Carowinds Update 2-11-22

Carowinds Update:

Please watch video for an update on the OPTIONAL Carowinds Performance:

-8th grade April 23rd 

- 6th and 7th grade May 13th

If you have any questions please email Mr. Gibson. 

Jazz Band Today After School 3:15-5:00

Monday, February 7, 2022

Band Updates

Good morning,

Reminders for the upcoming weeks:

- Jazz Band After School Today 3:15pm-4:30pm
- Jazz Band Wednesday morning 7:30am-8:00am
- Jazz Band Friday After School 3:15pm-5:00pm
- 8th Grade Combined rehearsal During Class Thursday
-8th Grade Rehearsal After School on February 17th 3:15pm-5:30pm
- Carowinds Payment is Due March 1st
- Select Students will be attending the Region Band Clinic on February 18th-19th

Parents and students will be receiving updated information this week on the following:
- Carowinds update
- Solo and Ensemble Festival April 22nd at Sullivan Middle School
-8th grade festival update
-Jazz band Festival update
-All State update

Thank you for your continuted support of music education! Have a great week!